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2023-12-02 13:49:10 +01:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import getopt
import sys
import random
import os
from time import (
time, localtime, strftime,
2023-12-02 13:49:10 +01:00
Sample output
ok;SK-1st-Edition 1965-12-17;arthur;
1. Status, possible values: ok, update available, storage down (String)
2. Version (String)
3. Username used for login (String)
4. IP used for access (String)
user1;David Bowman;65536.0;262144.0
user2;Frank Poole;16384.0;131072.0
1. User ID (string)
2. User Real Name (string)
3. Quota Used (float in bytes, absolut)
4. Quota Max (float in bytes, absolut)
1. Storage ID (string)
2. Storage Custom Name (string)
3. Upload (float in bytes, counter)
4. Download (float in bytes, counter)
def showUsage():
sys.stderr.write("""HAL9001 Special Agent
USAGE: agent_hal9001 -H [hostname] -u [username] -p [password]
agent_hal9001 -h
-H, --hostname Hostname (FQDN or IP) of HAL System
-u, --username Username
-p, --password Password
-h, --help Show this help message and exit
debugLogFilename = ""
SEP = "|"
#SEP = "\t"
TIMEFMT = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
FLOATFMT = "{:.4f}"
Decorator function for debugging purposes
creates a file with many information regarding the function call, like:
name of function
number of arguments
number of keyword arguments
return value of function call
type of return value
all parameters given to function
def debugLog(function):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
# execute function and measure runtime
start = time()
value = function(*args, **kwargs)
end = time()
# get number of args and kwargs
len_args = len(args)
len_kwargs = len(kwargs)
# format the output
seconds = FLOATFMT.format(end - start)
local_time = strftime(TIMEFMT,localtime(start))
# get function name
fname = function.__name__
# out1: Timestamp|Name of Function|Runtime|Num Args|Num Kwargs|Return Value|Return Value Type
out1 = f"{local_time}{SEP}{fname}{SEP}{seconds}{SEP}{len_args}{SEP}{len_kwargs}{SEP}{value}{SEP}{type(value)}"
# out2: all arguments
out2 = ""
for arg in args:
out2 = out2 + SEP + str(arg)
# out 3: all keyowrd arguments
out3 = ""
if len_kwargs > 0:
for key, val in kwargs.items():
out3 = out3 + SEP + key + ":" + str(val)
with open(debugLogFilename, "a") as f:
return value
return wrapper
2023-12-02 13:49:10 +01:00
# Parameters coming from CheckMK
opt_hostname = ""
opt_username = ""
opt_password = ""
# Base values for randomly calculating the use of the storage system per user
base_usage = float(65536 * 8) # 0.5 MByte
max_quota = 1073741824.0 # 1 GByte
2023-12-02 15:20:26 +01:00
# these dicts are used as starting points, feel free to extend and/or adjust them
2023-12-02 13:49:10 +01:00
# each user/storage results in an additional service
users_dict = {
"user1": {
"realname": "David Bowman",
"usage": base_usage*2,
"quota_max": max_quota
"user2": {
"realname": "Frank Poole",
"usage": base_usage*3,
"quota_max": max_quota/2
"user3": {
"realname": "Elena",
"usage": base_usage*4,
"quota_max": max_quota*2
storages_dict = {
"storage1": {
"realname": "DATA_Dullea",
"download": float(1024**3),
"upload": float((1024**2) * 6)
"storage2": {
"realname": "DATA_Poole",
"download": float(1024**3),
"upload": float((1024**2) * 4)
hal_status_list = ["ok", "update available", "storage down"]
hal_version = "SK-1st-Edition 1965-12-17"
short_options = 'hH:u:p:'
long_options = [
'hostname=', 'username=', 'password=', 'help'
def createDebugFilename(hostname):
home_path = os.getenv("HOME")
tmp_path = f"{home_path}/tmp"
file_name = f"{tmp_path}/hal9001_{hostname}_debug.log"
return file_name
2023-12-02 13:49:10 +01:00
def getOptions():
global opt_hostname
global opt_username
global opt_password
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], short_options, long_options)
for opt, arg in opts:
if opt in ['-H', '--hostname']:
opt_hostname = arg
if opt in ['-u', '--username']:
opt_username = arg
elif opt in ['-p', '--password']:
opt_password = arg
elif opt in ['-h', '--help']:
def showOptions():
print(f"Hostname: {opt_hostname}")
print(f"Username: {opt_username}")
print(f"Password: {opt_password}")
2023-12-02 13:49:10 +01:00
def calculateNewUserStorage(current_storage):
# let the chance that no change occured be at 90%
no_change = random.randint(1, 100)
if no_change > 10:
return float(current_storage)
# create some variance, value of "amount" is interpreted in bytes
factor = random.randint(1,4)
amount = random.randint(1024000, 4096000)
amount *= factor
# increase or decrease, give increase a better chance (60:40), that's more real :-)
plus_or_minus = random.randint(1,100)
if plus_or_minus > 40:
new_storage = current_storage + amount
new_storage = current_storage - amount
# avoid negative values
if new_storage < 0:
new_storage = 1024000
return float(new_storage)
2023-12-02 13:49:10 +01:00
def calculateNewStorageCounters(ul_bytes, dl_bytes):
# let the chance that no change occured be at 2%
no_change = random.randint(1, 100)
if no_change > 98:
return float(ul_bytes), float(dl_bytes)
# create some variance, values of "amount_<ul|dl>" is interpreted in bytes
factor_ul = random.randint(1,7)
amount_ul = random.randint(20240000, 50960000)
amount_ul *= factor_ul
factor_dl = random.randint(1,14)
amount_dl = random.randint(30240000, 60960000)
amount_dl *= factor_dl
# we are simulating counters, so only increasing makes sense
new_ul_bytes = ul_bytes + amount_ul
new_dl_bytes = dl_bytes + amount_dl
return float(new_ul_bytes), float(new_dl_bytes)
2023-12-02 13:49:10 +01:00
def doCmkHalStatusOutput(status, version, username, ipaddress):
2023-12-02 13:49:10 +01:00
def doCmkHalUsersOutput(users, hostname):
home_path = os.getenv("HOME")
tmp_path = f"{home_path}/tmp"
for user in users:
# we need a way to store the current value for storage usage between runs of the agent
help_file = f"{tmp_path}/hal9001_{hostname}_{user}_current_storage.txt"
if os.path.exists(help_file):
# help file exists, so get the content
with open(help_file, "r") as file:
current_storage = float(file.read())
# help file does not exist, create it and store the start value in it
with open(help_file, "w") as file:
current_storage = users[user]["usage"]
realname = users[user]["realname"]
quota_max = users[user]["quota_max"]
# simulate changes in storage usage
new_storage = calculateNewUserStorage(current_storage)
# save the new value in help file
with open(help_file, "w") as file:
# create output
2023-12-02 13:49:10 +01:00
def doCmkHalStoragesOutput(storages, hostname):
home_path = os.getenv("HOME")
tmp_path = f"{home_path}/tmp"
for storage in storages:
# we need a way to store the current values for storage usage between runs of the agent
# so we can simulate counters for uploaded/downloaded bytes
help_file_ul = f"{tmp_path}/hal9001_{hostname}_{storage}_ul_bytes.txt"
help_file_dl = f"{tmp_path}/hal9001_{hostname}_{storage}_dl_bytes.txt"
if os.path.exists(help_file_ul):
# help file exists, so get the content
with open(help_file_ul, "r") as file:
current_ul_bytes = float(file.read())
# help file does not exist, create it and store the start value in it
with open(help_file_ul, "w") as file:
current_ul_bytes = storages[storage]["upload"]
if os.path.exists(help_file_dl):
# help file exists, so get the content
with open(help_file_dl, "r") as file:
current_dl_bytes = float(file.read())
# help file does not exist, create it and store the start value in it
with open(help_file_dl, "w") as file:
current_dl_bytes = storages[storage]["download"]
realname = storages[storage]["realname"]
# simulate changes in storage usage
new_ul_bytes, new_dl_bytes = calculateNewStorageCounters(current_ul_bytes, current_dl_bytes)
# save the new values in help files
with open(help_file_ul, "w") as file:
with open(help_file_dl, "w") as file:
# create output
2023-12-02 13:49:10 +01:00
def getStatus():
# randomly set one of the three available states
status_index = random.randint(1,100)
if status_index <= 5:
# should result in critical state
hal_status = hal_status_list[2]
elif status_index <= 15:
# should result in warning state
hal_status = hal_status_list[1]
# should result in ok state
hal_status = hal_status_list[0]
return hal_status, hal_version
2023-12-02 13:49:10 +01:00
def doLogin(hostname, username, password):
# simulate the login to our HAL system
# give it a chance of 2% to fail to demonstrate an error from time to time
success = random.randint(1, 100)
if success > 2:
return True, 200
return False, 404
def main():
global debugLogFilename
2023-12-02 13:49:10 +01:00
# some checks
# keep in mind: the 1st line printed out to std.err will be shown as check result in CheckMK
if (opt_hostname == ""):
sys.stderr.write(f"No hostname given.\n")
if (opt_username == ""):
sys.stderr.write(f"No username given.\n")
if (opt_password == ""):
sys.stderr.write(f"No password given.\n")
debugLogFilename = createDebugFilename(opt_hostname)
2023-12-02 13:49:10 +01:00
success, code = doLogin(opt_hostname, opt_username, opt_password)
if success:
status, version = getStatus()
doCmkHalStatusOutput(status, version, opt_username, opt_hostname)
doCmkHalUsersOutput(users_dict, opt_hostname)
doCmkHalStoragesOutput(storages_dict, opt_hostname)
sys.stderr.write(f"Login to {opt_hostname} with user {opt_username} failed with error code {code}\n")
if __name__ == "__main__":