Initial commit, 2nd try
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import time
from pprint import pprint
from .agent_based_api.v1 import get_value_store, get_rate, register, render, Service, Result, State, Metric
# just a simple service withoot item
def discover_hal9001_status(section):
def check_hal9001_status(section):
status = section["status"]
version = section["version"]
username = section["username"]
ipaddress = section["ipaddress"]
# check what status is reported and set state accordingly
if status == "ok":
state = State.OK
elif status == "update available":
state = State.WARN
elif status == "storage down":
state = State.CRIT
state = State.UNKOWN
# no metrics, just a simple service
summary = f'Status is "{status}", Version is "{version}"'
details = f'User/IP used for access is "{username}/{ipaddress}"'
yield(Result(state=state, summary=summary, details=details))
def parse_hal9001_status_section(string_table):
parsed_data = {}
# we only expect one line with four entries
line = string_table[0]
parsed_data["status"] = line[0]
parsed_data["version"] = line[1]
parsed_data["username"] = line[2]
parsed_data["ipaddress"] = line[3]
return parsed_data
name = "hal9001_status",
parse_function = parse_hal9001_status_section,
name = "hal9001_status",
service_name = "HAL Overall information",
discovery_function = discover_hal9001_status,
check_function = check_hal9001_status,
@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import time
import random
from pprint import pprint
from .agent_based_api.v1 import get_value_store, get_rate, register, render, Service, Result, State, Metric
def getStateUpper(levels, value):
warn, crit = levels
if value >= crit:
return State.CRIT
if value >= warn:
return State.WARN
return State.OK
# services with item --> storageid and usage of value_store (to be able to calculate rates)
def discover_hal9001_storages(section):
for key in section:
yield(Service(item = key))
def check_hal9001_storages(item, params, section):
curr_time = time.time() # needed for calculating rates
storageid = item
# get all values from section
realname = section[storageid][0]
ul_bytes = section[storageid][1]
dl_bytes = section[storageid][2]
# these are the keys for our value_store
vs_key_ul = f"hal_{storageid}_ul"
vs_key_dl = f"hal_{storageid}_dl"
vs_key_time = f"hal_{storageid}_time" # this is necessary only because we did not get get_rate() to work
# we have to persist our upload/download values so that we can calculate rates
value_store = get_value_store()
# get the values from last run
ul_last = value_store.get(vs_key_ul, 0)
dl_last = value_store.get(vs_key_dl, 0)
time_last = value_store.get(vs_key_time, 0)
# store the new values
value_store[vs_key_ul] = ul_bytes
value_store[vs_key_dl] = dl_bytes
value_store[vs_key_time] = curr_time
# now calculate the rates
# in theory this should work with calls to get_rate() - but unfortunately
# these calls cause an error, why, how to call function get_rate() correctly?? TBD
File "/omd/sites/ttw/lib/python3/cmk/base/api/agent_based/", line 494, in get_rate
if not last_state or len(last_state) != 2:
TypeError: object of type 'int' has no len()
#ul_rate = get_rate(value_store, f"{storageid}_ul", curr_time, ul_bytes, raise_overflow=True)
#dl_rate = get_rate(value_store, f"{storageid}_dl", curr_time, dl_bytes, raise_overflow=True)
time_delta = curr_time - time_last
# avoid dividing by null and getting negative rates
if time_delta <= 0:
ul_rate = 1024.0
dl_rate = 2048.0
ul_rate = (ul_bytes - ul_last)/time_delta
dl_rate = (dl_bytes - dl_last)/time_delta
# levels are defined as MBytes/s in our rule, so we have to adjust this here
# because we are getting Bytes/s from our rate calculation
warn, crit = params["levels_hal_storages_rates"]
warn = warn*(1024**2)
crit = crit*(1024**2)
levels = (warn, crit)
# create graphs for upload/download rates
yield Metric("hal_storages_upload_rate", ul_rate, levels=levels)
yield Metric("hal_storages_download_rate", dl_rate, levels=levels)
# calculate state of service based on levels given as parameter
state_ul = getStateUpper(levels, ul_rate)
state_dl = getStateUpper(levels, dl_rate)
summary_ul = f"Upload rate of '{realname}' is {render.iobandwidth(ul_rate)}"
summary_dl = f"Download rate of '{realname}' is {render.iobandwidth(dl_rate)}"
details_ul = f"Upload since last check: {render.bytes(ul_bytes)}"
details_dl = f"Download since last check: {render.bytes(dl_bytes)}"
# create services
yield(Result(state=state_ul, summary=summary_ul, details=details_ul))
yield(Result(state=state_dl, summary=summary_dl, details=details_dl))
def parse_hal9001_storages_section(string_table):
# convert the raw output of the agent section in an meaningful structure, do type conversions and so on
parsed_data = {}
for line in string_table:
storageid = line[0]
realname = line[1]
upload = int(float(line[2]))
download = int(float(line[3]))
parsed_data[f"{storageid}"] = [realname, upload, download]
return parsed_data
name = "hal9001_storages",
parse_function = parse_hal9001_storages_section,
name = "hal9001_storages",
service_name = "HAL Storage information %s",
discovery_function = discover_hal9001_storages,
check_function = check_hal9001_storages,
check_default_parameters = {
"levels_hal_storages_rates": (200.0, 300.0),
@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import time
from pprint import pprint
from .agent_based_api.v1 import get_value_store, get_rate, register, render, Service, Result, State, Metric
def getStateUpper(levels, value):
warn, crit = levels
if value >= crit:
return State.CRIT
if value >= warn:
return State.WARN
return State.OK
# services with item --> userid
def discover_hal9001_users(section):
for key in section:
yield(Service(item = key))
def check_hal9001_users(item, params, section):
userid = item
# get all values from section
realname = section[userid][0]
used_bytes = section[userid][1]
quota_max_bytes = section[userid][2]
# calculate percentage of max quota used
quota_used_percent = used_bytes * 100 / quota_max_bytes
# create a graph with storage usage in percent of max quota
levels = params["levels_hal_users_quota_used"]
yield Metric("hal_users_quota_used", quota_used_percent, levels=levels)
# calculate state of service based on levels given as parameter
state = getStateUpper(levels, quota_used_percent)
summary = f"Used quota of {realname} is {render.percent(quota_used_percent)}, {render.disksize(used_bytes)} of {render.disksize(quota_max_bytes)} used"
yield(Result(state=state, summary=summary))
def parse_hal9001_users_section(string_table):
# convert the raw output of the agent section in an meaningful structure, do type conversions and so on
parsed_data = {}
for line in string_table:
userid = line[0]
realname = line[1]
quota_used = float(line[2])
quota_total = float(line[3])
parsed_data[f"{userid}"] = [realname, quota_used, quota_total]
return parsed_data
name = "hal9001_users",
parse_function = parse_hal9001_users_section,
name = "hal9001_users",
service_name = "HAL User information %s",
discovery_function = discover_hal9001_users,
check_function = check_hal9001_users,
check_default_parameters = {
"levels_hal_users_quota_used": (65.0, 85.0),
Reference in New Issue
Block a user