
233 lines
10 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from pprint import pprint
from datetime import datetime
from .agent_based_api.v1 import register, render, Service, Result, State, Metric
def getStateUpper(levels, value):
warn, crit = levels
if value >= crit:
return State.CRIT
if value >= warn:
return State.WARN
return State.OK
def getStateLower(levels, value):
warn, crit = levels
if value < crit:
return State.CRIT
if value < warn:
return State.WARN
return State.OK
def discover_nextcloud_info(section):
def check_nextcloud_info(params, section):
for key in section:
if key == "nextcloud":
levels_free_space = params["levels_free_space"]
levels_number_of_files = params["levels_number_of_files"]
# update infos are available only from Nextcloud version 28 onwards
last_update = section[key]["last_update"]
update_available = section[key]["update_available"]
last_update_human = datetime.fromtimestamp(last_update)
except KeyError:
last_update = "Update information not available, update to at least version 28"
update_available = "False"
last_update_human = "Information not available"
status = section[key]["status"]
free_space = section[key]["freespace"]
version = section[key]["version"]
php_version = section[key]["php_version"]
webserver = section[key]["webserver"]
num_files = section[key]["number_files"]
num_shares = section[key]["number_shares"]
# create graph for number of files and shares
yield(Metric("nc_num_files", num_files))
yield(Metric("nc_num_shares", num_shares))
# create overall result
summary = f"Status is {status}, Last update: {last_update_human}"
details = f"Nextcloud version: {version}\nPHP version: {php_version}\nWebserver: {webserver}\n\nNumber of files: {num_files}\nNumber of shares: {num_shares}\n\nFree space on disk: {render.bytes(free_space)}\n"
if status == "ok":
state = State.OK
state = State.CRIT
yield Result(state=state, summary=summary, details=details)
# Create result for available updates
if update_available != "False":
state = State.WARN
notice = f"Update is available"
state = State.OK
notice = "No update available"
if state != State.OK:
yield(Result(state=state, notice=notice))
# Create result for free space on disk
# Levels for free space are given in GBytes, we have to adjust this here
warn, crit = levels_free_space
warn = warn*1024*1024*1024
crit = crit*1024*1024*1024
state = getStateLower((warn, crit), free_space)
# create graph for free space on disk
yield(Metric("nc_free_space", free_space, levels=(warn,crit)))
notice = f"Remaining free space on disk: {render.bytes(free_space)}"
if state != State.OK:
yield(Result(state=state, notice=notice))
# Create result for number of files
warn, crit = levels_number_of_files
state = getStateUpper((warn, crit), num_files)
notice = f"Number of files: {num_files}"
if state != State.OK:
yield(Result(state=state, notice=notice))
elif key == "users":
num_users = section[key]["number"]
num_active_last1hour = section[key]["active_last1hour"]
num_active_last1day = section[key]["active_last1day"]
num_active_last5min = section[key]["active_last5min"]
# create graphs for number of users
yield Metric("nc_num_users", num_users)
yield Metric("nc_active_users_last_1hour", num_active_last1hour)
yield Metric("nc_active_users_last_1day", num_active_last1day)
yield Metric("nc_active_users_last_5min", num_active_last5min)
notice = f"Number of users: {num_users}\n\nActive users last 5 min: {num_active_last5min}\nActive user since last hour: {num_active_last1hour}\nActive users since last day: {num_active_last1day}"
yield(Result(state=State.OK, notice=notice))
elif key == "storages":
num_storages = section[key]["number"]
num_storages_home = section[key]["number_home"]
num_storages_local = section[key]["number_local"]
num_storages_other = section[key]["number_other"]
# create graphs for number of storages
yield Metric("nc_num_storages", num_storages)
yield Metric("nc_num_storages_home", num_storages_home)
yield Metric("nc_num_storages_local", num_storages_local)
yield Metric("nc_num_storages_other", num_storages_other)
notice = f"Number of storages: {num_storages}\nNumber of home/local/other storages: {num_storages_home}/{num_storages_local}/{num_storages_other}"
yield(Result(state=State.OK, notice=notice))
elif key == "apps":
# Workaround for Nextcloud 28, "apps" info is not always available
num_apps_installed = section[key]["installed"]
num_apps_with_updates_available = section[key]["with_updates_available"]
if "app_versions" in section[key]:
app_versions = section[key]["app_versions"]
app_versions = ""
# create graphs for number of apps
levels = params["levels_apps_with_updates_available"]
yield Metric("nc_num_apps_installed", num_apps_installed)
yield Metric("nc_apps_with_updates_available", num_apps_with_updates_available, levels=levels)
state = getStateUpper(levels, num_apps_with_updates_available)
if (app_versions == ""):
notice = f"Number of installed apps: {num_apps_installed}\nNumber of apps with updates available: {num_apps_with_updates_available}"
notice = f"Number of installed apps: {num_apps_installed}\nNumber of apps with updates available: {num_apps_with_updates_available}\nNew app versions available: {app_versions}"
yield(Result(state=state, notice=notice))
except KeyError:
def parse_nextcloud_info_section(string_table):
parsed_data = {
"nextcloud" : {},
"storages" : {},
"apps" : {},
"users" : {},
params_list = [
for line in string_table:
if line[0] in params_list:
param = line[0]
value = line[1]
if param == "NC_Version":
parsed_data["nextcloud"]["version"] = value
elif param == "NC_Freespace":
parsed_data["nextcloud"]["freespace"] = float(value)
elif param == "NC_Status":
parsed_data["nextcloud"]["status"] = value
elif param == "NC_Last_Update":
parsed_data["nextcloud"]["last_update"] = int(value)
elif param == "NC_Update_Available":
parsed_data["nextcloud"]["update_available"] = value
elif param == "NC_Webserver":
parsed_data["nextcloud"]["webserver"] = value
elif param == "NC_PHP_Version":
parsed_data["nextcloud"]["php_version"] = value
elif param == "NC_Num_Files":
parsed_data["nextcloud"]["number_files"] = int(value)
elif param == "NC_Num_Shares":
parsed_data["nextcloud"]["number_shares"] = int(value)
elif param == "NC_Num_Storages":
parsed_data["storages"]["number"] = int(value)
elif param == "NC_Num_Storages_Home":
parsed_data["storages"]["number_home"] = int(value)
elif param == "NC_Num_Storages_Local":
parsed_data["storages"]["number_local"] = int(value)
elif param == "NC_Num_Storages_Other":
parsed_data["storages"]["number_other"] = int(value)
elif param == "NC_Num_Apps_Installed":
parsed_data["apps"]["installed"] = int(value)
elif param == "NC_Num_Apps_Updates_Available":
parsed_data["apps"]["with_updates_available"] = int(value)
elif param == "NC_Apps_With_Updates_Available":
parsed_data["apps"]["app_versions"] = value
elif param == "NC_Num_Users":
parsed_data["users"]["number"] = int(value)
elif param == "NC_Active_Users_Last_5Min":
parsed_data["users"]["active_last5min"] = int(value)
elif param == "NC_Active_Users_Last_1Hour":
parsed_data["users"]["active_last1hour"] = int(value)
elif param == "NC_Active_Users_Last_1Day":
parsed_data["users"]["active_last1day"] = int(value)
return parsed_data
service_name="Nextcloud Info",
"levels_apps_with_updates_available": (1, 2),
"levels_free_space": (8.0, 4.0),
"levels_number_of_files": (100000, 250000),